
16 05 2011

After writing our half year evaluation in February, I was not expecting that I would write a post on returning in May. Moving to New Zealand was my most interesting experience in life so far. It was an amazing adventure in the most beautiful country I can imagine. However, career wise it did not work out for me and might become real hard for Dirk as well if we had decided to stay.

The end of March was the deadline. In February I had a couple of great leads for jobs and it all looked really promising. Dirk was already talking of going back to Europe, but I had great hopes on finding a cool job after searching for months. In our bellies we were missing Holland, our family and friends, but we were still enjoying the deep blue seas and purple mountains. We were not in a hurry to move back, but it would be our long term plan if it would not work out with my job leads.

Coming closer to the deadline I got a bit more worried in getting one of the jobs. In New-Zealand everything moves a bit more slowly, so my patience was really tested. Why did we come up with a deadline you might wonder. Why not continue searching? Well, the deadline was for two reasons. First, although it is quite cheap to live here, I was running out of money. Second, even more important, keeping a good state of mind. Some of you know how it disheartening it can be looking for months to find a job. It is even worse in a country on the other side of the world where you are uncertain of the rules, where the economy is not flourishing at all and, most importantly ,where you do not have your friends and family to fall back to. I felt homesick for the first time since I was 10. So, a deadline was just good sense.

Kaikoura - Purple mountains

And it worked! After the deadline passed I was still without a job, but now I could sit back and relax. Once more enjoy the deep blue sees and purple mountains. Walking the Heaphy track, flying above Abel Tasman, sipping wine in Havelock, all things I could enjoy without worrying finding a job in New-Zealand. Of course in the back of my mind a new worry was creeping to the surface, but that one I could beat with confidence: I know Holland and I know a lot of people in Holland. And I am really enjoying preparing my return. I am really happy to return and meet again everyone I know.

There is of course a downside as well. I will leaving my new, lovely NZ friends behind, the relaxed lifestyle of sunny Nelson and Dirk is staying a couple of months longer to finish his training. A few weeks ago I was quite frustrated that it did not work out here, but I made my peace with it. It is not a bad thing or a failure that it did not work out to settle here. My goal was to find out if it was possible or not to build up a life in a different country. On many aspects it is was possible, like creating a home for ourselves and find friends to hang out with, but career wise it was not. Or not yet.

The Heaphy Track

1 05 2011

Exceeding bounderies

2 04 2011

I find it very peculiar that moving to another country makes you do things you would never think of doing before. I find it somehow easier to conquer my fears in New Zealand then at home. Maybe this country is so beautiful that it does not matter any more.

My biggest fear is heights. When I am standing at the top of a tall building my knees start to shake and my whole body wants to fall to the ground. I never liked flying. I prefer the part just after landing the best and I enjoy the first steps on solid ground so unbelievably much. Additionally, I hate to sit on tall animals like horses or elephants. And last but not least, the first time I drove in the mountains I was so scared. I was afraid to crash either into the solid rock on the one side or in to the ravine on the other.

Somewhere in the last couple of months I grew over my anxieties. Well, I did not get that far that I jumped out of planes or bungeed from bridges. I am however not afraid any more of driving in the mountains. Better, I am starting to like it. I also did fly in the smallest air plane without fear, but that might be caused by the coolest pilot I ever met ;-). And finally, I did ride a horse on top of a very big hill.

It is not that the fear left my body, but I can manage it. As long as the result is so astonishing and exciting as it was each time, I can handle it. If I stayed low at the ground I would never have arrived in New Zealand in the first place. You know, it is a really long flight. Even if we do not take that into account, I would still miss out on a lot of spectacular views and rides. So this moving to another country made me exceed boundaries in ways I could never have done at home.

City life

7 03 2011

Today started really well. My flight to Auckland was pleasant and we had a good laugh as the flight attendant was making unexpected jokes. Now I am writing this piece while relaxing in a big park called the Domain. The air smells like freshly mowed grass and cicadas are chirping like it is still high summer. The park unfolds around a hill, probably an old volcano. On top of that hill, the big museum of Auckland is housed. It is built in Roman or renaissance style which you almost never see around here in New Zealand. The style doesn’t fit as well as it would have been in Paris for example, but is impressive anyhow.

The strange thing about Auckland is that most New-Zealanders who do not live there hate it and those who live their regard the others as old-fashioned country folks. As for myself, I love to visit Auckland because it has a real city vibe without being too big. There are many parks where you can relax and you feel like you escaped the big buzz.

The CBD of Auckland is a miniature of version of a generic metropolitan city, but has all the big shops and small boutiques you need. In a minute I am heading of to the library. I love it because it is huge and has many books on innovation. Something I miss in Nelson as the innovation section is only one meter wide. I do not necessarily want to live in a big city, but I certainly miss living close to one.

Kerstvakantie #3

6 03 2011

Random facts

4 03 2011

Time for a quick list of some random observations of this interesting country New Zealand.

Did you know:

  • that at road works they place guys with go/stop signs to regulate the traffic. The mobile traffic light is not yet introduced in New Zealand.
  • you can still borrow books for free at the library and you can borrow an unlimited amount of books (jippy!).
  • they use words I never heard used before by English speaking persons: “heaps”, “jandals”, “tramping” and “wee”.
  • they have some interesting brands in the supermarket, which feel kind of familiar, but aren’t.

  • they have hate love relationship with Greenpeace. Some adore Greenpeace and will hug you on the street if you are volunteering. Others hate Greenpeace utterly and see them as a hurdle to a more wealthier future (oil = jobs).
  • they are certainly not as clean and green as you might think. There was a lot of destruction of nature in the past and there are still things happening which aren’t possible in Europe any more.
  • to become a pilot in New Zealand is quite easy: the education programme is really cheap compared to other western countries and kiwi’s get a nice student allowance on top of that. So, it may not come as a surprise to you that there are heaps of unemployed pilots in New Zealand and most of them go for jobs to other countries such as Australia.


Kerstvakantie #2

20 02 2011

18 02 2011

Time for some halfway evaluation. How kiwi are we after almost half a year? Well, first we need to establish a definition of what a kiwi is.

– A flightless bird
– A citrus fruit
– The colloquial demonym for New Zealanders

We can establish that we are definitely not turning into flightless birds or citrus fruit. But how much are we in the progress of turning from Dutchies to New Zealanders? From my observations New Zealanders or Kiwi’s are a friendly bunch of active do-ers. They have adopted a great taste for food, wines and beer. Kiwi’s adore nature and happy to be active in it. Although this might be without any shame in a big jet boat or large, no, enormous mobile home. In the eye of many foreigner they are very entrepreneurial, however from a Dutch (not only ours) perspective they are a bit lazy (rush hour is finished at 5!) and take things for granted. Or to say it from a more positive perspective not as stressed and less complaining as the Dutch are.

How far are we in the process of becoming Kiwi’s? Dirk is quite good in mimicking the accent, although most people hear that he is not an born and raised kiwi. Me, I am horrible. They always ask me where I am from and if I enjoy my holiday. “Holland? Yeah, I thought so. Awesome! I’ve been there too, you know.” Or a variety on the last part “My grandparents are from Holland.” But that’s just superficial. We do appreciate the food and wines here. I adopted a lot of Kiwi recipes and we try out every New Zealand wine. We drink mostly native beers, because it is not as expensive as imported beer. It is still twice as expensive as in Holland, see here. Today I could not resist on buying a pack of Heineken on sale…

Are we less stressed and becoming a bit more lazy? That is different for the both of us. Dirk found the love of his life, airplanes. Although he says I am always on the first place, I do think I have to share that spot. And in order to become a pilot he is studying his ass off (sorry for the langauge, but see more here). I must say I admire that a lot. For me it is different. I was always so busy in the Netherlands doing two or three things at the same time. Here, I can’t. I wanted too, but it didn’t work out that way. And now I appreciate the time off, to learn a new rhythm of life.  Enjoy the now, which I still struggle with some days. Mostly Mondays somehow.

As you might guess, this will lead to the conclusion we are not yet true Kiwi’s, but there are things I want to merge with my Dutch attributes. I love the daily friendliness of people you meet. At the shop counter they always ask you how your day is and asks a few more questions after your answer. Try that in Holland, you are lucky if you are treated with a smile. Also I love the sharing of food and drinks at barbies (Bbq’s) and parties. People bring the best home-made pies and fresh caught fish. Lovely!


#6 Kerstvakantie (deel 1 van 3)

14 02 2011


17 01 2011

You know that feeling coming home from holiday? It starts a day or two (or more days, depending how exciting your holiday is) before you planned to go back. You start to long for your own bed, clean clothes, a fresh shower in your own bathroom and more of such comforts of home. The feeling gets stronger when you arrive in familiar surroundings. A KLM-stewardess with blond hair, flat land, ANWB-signs, windmills, you name it.

Well, a week ago we experienced it, but not on our way to Holland. No, on our way to Nelson. We drove from the mountains down into farmland. And not with one or two farms like before, but with heaps of farms! Then we saw the familiar signs of Wakefield, Richmond, Kentucky fried chicken and the motorway. Back into civilization! The drive along Tasman bay and up the mountain confirmed our destination. Home! Yes, people. After months of integration and “inburgering” (would there be a correct English word for that?) we finally received a true confirmation that we call 101 Princes Drive our home. Sweet as…